يتخصص فريق المشروع لدينا في الهندسة المعمارية والحلول الهندسية وتنفيذ المشاريع ، بما في ذلك التصميم الداخلي.

مع خبرة ALKILIÇ Group

لقد دفعنا الحدود التقليدية لمدة 30 عامًا لتشكيل محفظتنا للهندسة المعمارية والهندسة والبناء.

Proje ekibimiz iç tasarım dahil mimarlık, mühendislik çözümleri ve proje uygulama işlerinde uzmanlaşmıştır.

ندمج الشركات التركية النامية في صناعات الدفاع والالكترونيات المتقدمة وكذلك في عالم المعادن والآلات والسيارات.

الصناعة والتكنولوجيا

نقوم بتطوير مشاريع في مجالات كفاءة الطاقة وإدارة النفايات البيئية ، وتوفير المعدات اللازمة لتطوير الزراعة في العالم.

Metal, makina ve otomotivde olduğu gibi, savunma ve ileri elektronik sanayinde de gelişmekte olan Türk firmalarını dünyaya entegre ediyoruz.

نحن نقدم الشركات المصنعة المحلية والأجنبية لخدمتكم في مواد البناء والديكور وهوريكا.

منتجات المنزل والعمل

نحن نقدم توريد المنتجات الاستهلاكية المختلفة في مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات.

İnşaat, dekorasyon ve Horeca malzemelerinde yerli ve yabancı üreticileri hizmetinize sunuyoruz.

Since 1951 The CALISKAN wood stoves combine the elegance of a fireplace with the performance of a stove, showing off all the beauty and power of fire.


Its focus is not only on product quality with CE, Eco design, 2nd BlmSchV and DEFRA, but also on human health, comfort and care for the environment.

Since 1951 The CALISKAN wood stoves combine the elegance of a fireplace with the performance of a stove, showing off all the beauty and power of fire.

Great Design! ELCON is the first and only infrared heater of the world made with IP67 insulation! Heats open spaces with MIN consumption and MAX effective.

You wish to become one of our valuable dealers? Contact us!

ELCON filament technology at the highest level, a joint technological product of Germany and Taiwan. Its working life is much longer than with other heaters.

Great Design! ELCON is the first and only infrared heater of the world made with IP67 insulation! Heats open spaces with MIN consumption and MAX effective.

+ SHOE DESIGNER + Rukiye Zirekoğlu took women out of the chaos of fashion and liberated them with her original designs.

Show your charm and freedom!

By embracing elements of femininity, she brought a postmodern approach to style and reshaped the perception of beauty. Originality, comfort and elegance!

+ SHOE DESIGNER + Rukiye Zirekoğlu, eşsiz tasarımlarıyla, kadınları moda karmaşasından çıkarıp özgürleştirdi.

Know-how, Smart architecture of floorplan, Secure entire facility, Resist natural disasters and fire

The Data Centers Building & Management

Efficient Design, Minimal wiring, Efficient air flow, Renewable energy resources

Know-how, Smart architecture of floorplan, Secure entire facility, Resist natural disasters and fire

NIJ 0101.06 III++, NIJ 0101.06 IV ballistic levels!


We are manufacturing The protective ballistic plates and wests according to Your requirements!

NIJ 0101.06 III++, NIJ 0101.06 IV ballistic levels!

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